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GRIN (Getting Ready for Intervention in Numeracy), Initia-Lit (Prep to Year 2), Multi-lit and Mini-Lit (Year 1 and 2), Reading Tutor (Year 3 to 6), Play is The Way (Whole School Social and Emotional Program), Lego Robotics, Swim Squad, Gymnastics Program



Gymnastics is taught within the Physical Education Curriculum to all students from Prep to 6, where they are taught the basics in gymnastic skills involving rotations, statics (balances), locomotion, hangs, swings and landings across a 5 week unit. (Videos of class activities and routines choreographed).  

In addition to this, each year students are invited to join in the optional PISG Competition Training, followed by a state level competition held at a state-of-the-art venue against other schools across Victoria. As an extra-curricular activity, students are prepared for 6-8 weeks in 6 routines and then compete in teams in either Champion or Legend Divisions, depending upon their level of gymnastic experience and competency. (Photos which could be included).



St Joseph’s Swimming Program, based on the “Swim & Survive” Program endorsed by Royal Lifesaving Society operates by our qualified swim-teaching staff at either our shared pool located at Sorrento Primary for Prep to Yr 4 or at the new YAWA Aquatic Facility in Rosebud for Years 5/ 6 students. Our shared pool is a heated outdoor pool (approx. 25 degrees or warmer on cool days) measuring approx. 12 metres long x 4 lanes in width and its depth ranges from 70 cm-1.6m.  We have both male and female change rooms, each with a toilet, basin and a hot shower. 

Prep to Yr 4 participate each year in two swimming blocks of 5 programmed lessons each in Term 1 and again in Term 4 to correspond with the warmer months of each year.

We offer ability-specific lessons with a minimum of four Austswim-qualified swimming teachers each lesson, enabling us to cater for students at their point of need.  


Through a parent capacity-building program, we have been so fortunate to have parents who have qualified in swimming teaching and who VOLUNTEER their time to teach students to swim, following detailed ability-specific lesson plans to fast-track the students’ swimming proficiencies. In return, these parents gain a qualification that can be used at external swimming venues for a source of income. 



For over 15 years, St Joseph’s has been the only school in the district to offer a School Swim Squad Program with experienced swim coaches. We welcome any students who have achieved their Level 3 Advanced or higher to join this extra-curricular activity. During Terms 1 and 4, the program offers our students the chance to learn a variety of race techniques and competencies in preparation for both our School Swimming Sports, the District Swimming Championships and beyond, as well as the opportunity to belong to another ‘club’ within the school. A highlight is the Annual Swim Squad Breakfast and Cap Presentation held the day before the district day. 

(Photos of breakfast, squad training and medal winners). 


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