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Learning & Teaching

St Joseph’s School embraces a rich teaching and learning environment, where experiences matter.  Through intellectual challenge, support for learning, linking and relevance and sensitivity to diversity, we extend learning beyond the subject matter alone.


Learning and teaching at St Joseph’s calls for strong engagement with 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity and citizenship to engage learners. These skills prepare learners to be collaborative problem solvers who strive to contribute to the common good in today’s world.


The school community encompasses a pedagogy which enables such learning that empowers learners to seek truth, and to question and critique the prevailing cultural, political, and philosophical ideas within the world around them.


St Joseph’s school follows the Victorian Curriculum for both Teaching and Learning and Assessment and Reporting.





At St Joseph’s study of English enables students to learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. It helps them become confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens.


The study of English helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. It helps them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society. English plays an important part in developing the understanding, attitudes and capabilities of those who will take responsibility for Australia’s linguistically and culturally diverse future.


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Mathematics provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives.


The students develop mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem-solving, as well as gain an understanding of the relationship that Mathematics has with the other learning areas of the curriculum.


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and the Humanities


The Humanities includes Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.


The Humanities provide a framework for students to examine the complex processes that have shaped the modern world and to investigate responses to different challenges including people’s interconnections with the environment.


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History, Geography, Civic & Citizenship, Economics & Business




Science provides a way of exploring interesting and important questions about the biological, physical and technological world. Science is a dynamic, collaborative and creative human endeavour arising from our desire to make sense of our world by exploring the unknown, investigating universal mysteries, making predictions and solving problems.


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The Arts

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The Arts at St Joseph's includes: Dance, Drama, Music & Visual Arts.


The Arts enable students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally and globally. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts. They make and respond and learn to appreciate the specific ways this occurs in different disciplines.


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& PE


Health and Physical Education focuses on students enhancing their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts.


Healthy, active living includes promoting physical fitness, healthy body weight, psychological wellbeing, cognitive capabilities and learning. A healthy, active population improves productivity and personal satisfaction, promotes pro-social behaviour and reduces the occurrence of chronic disease. Health and Physical Education teaches students how to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing and contribute to building healthy, safe and active communities.


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Sustainability at St Joseph’s encompasses all school subjects and extends far beyond the classroom. It gives students real-world skills they can use to improve the planet. It provides today's children with the self-sufficiency they need for tomorrow.


Sustainability provides students with an educational program, physical place, organisational culture and hands on experiences that encourage the development of environmentally conscious global citizens. 


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At St Joseph’s, Technologies provide a framework for students to learn how to use technologies to create innovative solutions that meet current and future needs.


Students are encouraged to make decisions about the development and use of technologies, considering the impacts of technological change and how technologies may contribute to a sustainable future. The curriculum provides practical opportunities for students to be users, designers and producers of new technologies.


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Religious Education at St Joseph's is through a Faith Based Inquiry approach.


Inspired by faith, students strive to make a difference in the lives of others and the community by developing communal obligations and aspirations to promote social justice. St Joseph’s school seeks to instil in students, the values and knowledge to act as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society. This enables them to confidently question and challenge injustice, affect pro-social change and understand how they as Christians make a difference to society by living the Gospel in their daily lives.


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All students have a library session, with their class, once a week.

Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 children are taught how to use the library and share books and stories with our library specialist.

Year 3 to Year 6 students also share books with our library specialist.

Children in Prep are able to borrow one book at a time. All other students are able to borrow 2 books.

The library is also open during two lunch times a week. 


(Languages Other Than

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Students at St. Joseph’s acquire communication skills in Italian. They develop understanding about the role of language and culture in communication. Their reflections on language use and language learning are applied in other learning contexts.


Learning languages broadens students’ horizons about the personal, social, cultural and employment opportunities that are available in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.


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Some Extra Curricula Activities include:


Lego Robotics, Choir, Master Art Classes, Dance, Lunchtime Sports activities lead by student leaders in 5 /6, Garden Club, The Green Gang, Sustainability activities, Dolphin Research Institute, Beach and Boat Days, Incursions and Excursions, Piano and Guitar lessons, Lunchtime library, Intraschool and Interschool sports and activities.


Link to recent 5/6 Camp Rumbug video

Link to Lego Robotics video





GRIN (Getting Ready for Intervention in Numeracy)

Initia-Lit (Prep to Year 2)

Multi-lit and Mini-Lit (Year 1 and 2)

Reading Tutor (Year 3 to 6)

Play is The Way (Whole School Social and Emotional Program)

Lego Robotics

Swim Squad

Gymnastics Program


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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

1-15 Constitution Hill Road,
Sorrento VIC 3943
Ph: (03) 5984 1291

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