On behalf of our staff and students, we warmly welcome you and your family to St Joseph’s School and trust the experiences ahead will be rewarding. We recognise that parents are the primary educators of their children and welcome your involvement and participation in the educational programs we offer.
We look forward to being able to properly welcome you into the St. Joseph's community.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us on office@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au
or call the school on (03) 5984 1291.

Next Steps...
Once again we would like to welcome you to St. Joseph’s.
Give us a call or email us if you have any questions (our contact details are listed below).
If you would like to enrol your child at our school we invite you to::​
Book a school tour.
Complete an enrolment form.
Return it to the school with your child’s birth certificate, immunisation certificate and baptism certificate (if applicable).
Prep offers of acceptance are sent to families during Terms 2 and 3.
Prep parents will also receive a letter outlining our orientation program, which takes place in Term 4.
Our contact details:
Phone: 03 5984 1291
Email: office@sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au
Website: www.sjsorrento.catholic.edu.au